This week’s theme couldn’t have come at a better time in our house. God bless Jasper, because the boy does get himself into all sorts of mischief. Think of the stopped things teenage boys do. Here’s the latest, involving UPS and a box of Red Barn Bully Sticks, which we know are irresistible.

My husband and I were out of the house and stupidly left a UPS delivery on the floor. We didn’t have time to even check what it was and we get deliveries on a pretty regular basis, so we figured we’d get to it later. Who knew? When my husband got home, Jasper came to greet him with a fat cigar of a bully stick hanging out of his mouth, proud-like. My husband thought, “Hmm…where did he get that?” We always present the dogs with bully sticks after I’ve put them through their paces because, as our last trainer, Maggie Wood, told me…”Bully sticks are like a million dollars, and you wouldn’t give away a million dollars for nothing.” So, Stanley already knew something was amiss.
Two minutes later, little Sophie came walking gingerly out into the backyard with her bully stick, with the tag still on! (She’s always the cautious one, and probably thought, “OK, daddy has already seen Jasper with his, it must be alright for me to come out with mine). At that point, my husband got up to investigate. I wished he’d taken a picture of the destruction he discovered when he came upon that UPS box. In his unbridled zeal to free the bully sticks from their box, he’d also torn chomped some mouthfuls of cardboard as you can see, here. Then, he must’ve helped himself to a couple of bully sticks (I’m figuring two, because he would have hidden himself away with the first to devour it). The stick he trotted outside to Stanley was the spoils he felt prepared to savor and show off, bless his terrier heart. So, I grabbed the box and captured this shot when I got home. All we could do was laugh and pray they (read that to mean he) didn’t have upset tummies that night. They didn’t and all got way unscathed. Except for the boxes, that is. Don’t cha just love the little devils?
52 Snapshots of Life is a really cool photo challenge started by friend and colleague, Christina Berry, of The Lazy Pitbull. It’s a great way to share fun photos and stories about your best friends and to connect with each other. You don’t have to be a blogger to participate; anyone can! So join up by taking a pic of your pet(s) each week that reflects that week’s theme and post it on your social networks, with the hashtag #52Snapshots, so we can all follow along. Here’s the theme schedule:

And, if you are a blogger, this is a BlogHop so hop on below!
What’s the worst mischief your pet has gotten into?