Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Costume Contest Winner Announced: The Lobster Bake Wins Best in Show

Best in Show winner, 2013, Lobster Bake
The winner of this year’s Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Costume Contest was the Lobster Bake. Taking it’s cue from the popularity of the lobster costume for pups this Halloween, possibly from the beloved “The Little Mermaid” re-release, the Lobster Bake featured two adorable Chihuahuas with little lobster costumes, one “cooking” in a frothy, bubbly pot of fuzzy cotton and clear plastic bubbles, and the other displayed in a picnic basket, conceivably already cooked. Both displays sat on a checked gingham covered Radio Flyer wagon. Very creative but the cooking Chihuahua didn’t look too happy. 🙁
Another costume that bears a mention for it’s sheer timeliness, originality and relevance is Barksy, a clever take on the street artist,Banksy, who has descended upon New York the past month, tagging buildings across the boroughs and creating a furor to protect the art he’s made from both graffiti vandals and the police.

All in all, a very successful and fun day!