Sophie’s Pet Portrait from BlogPaws

I went to a wonderful pet bloggers conference in Lake Las Vegas last week called BlogPaws, met lots of great fellow bloggers and learned so much about how to do what I’m doing better. One of the women I encountered was Vicki Boatright, aka the artist BZTAT. BZTAT is a preeminent pet portraitist, and her work is extraordinary! I was lucky enough to win a digital portrait of Sophie in a raffle there, and supplied her with a photo I like. A few days later, this arrived in my Inbox.

Sophie BZTAT Studios PortraitI love it so much, I wanted to share it with you! It captures Sophie’s sweetness and openness, and the colors and texture are amazing. BZTAT took her name as an homage to Beezie, who was her feline artistic inspiration for 19 years. I really liked Vicki. She clearly loves animals and finds great joy in creating works of art that capture the essence of the pet’s personality, often doing it from afar. According to testimonials on her site, even from oceans away, she seems to get it right. BZTAT also paints pet portraits, if a digital rendering isn’t your thing.

If you’re interested in contacting BZTAT to do a portrait of your pet, go to BZTAT Studios. I highly recommend it.

Do you have a likeness of your pet on something you cherish? Tell me about it in the Comments below.


Written by Jody Miller-Young
What does stylish mean to you? I’m passionate about animals, fashion, travel, home decor and rescue, and that's what you'll find here. After a recent move to Fort Lauderdale from NYC, we're loving our new life in the sunshine. Welcome to my world! Grab your favorite beverage, curl up and stay awhile.