This week’s theme of Water for 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge is an easy one for us. Sophie and Jasper spend a lot of time in the pool. It’s their favorite time of day. Sophie LOVES jumping in the water; she’s a natural swimmer. And, Jasper has come a long way in getting more comfortable in the water and participating in their squid chase game. We love it because it’s so much fun to see how excited they get.
For this week, I’ve included a video I shot, because it’s so much better at showing them in play mode. Jasper’s attention is elsewhere, but the impulsive decision he makes, when Sophie wakes him up is pretty adorable. Hope you enjoy!
Pet blogging friend and colleague, Christina Berry of The Lazy Pitbull, created this fun challenge. You don’t have to be a blogger to participate. Just snap or choose a pic you’ve taken that matches that week’s theme and post it on your social networks, with the hashtag #52Snapshots, so we can all follow along! For pet bloggers, this is a BlogHop, so hop on!
They’re so cute! Our dogs would give anything to have a real swimming pool!
Its a great feature of this house, that’s for sure!
I love watching him do the doggy paddle.
Hey Cathy! I do, too! There’s something about Jasper chunky little body and legs and his innocent little boy face that makes me want to cuddle him all the time! LOL That I’m all in vault into the water slays me!
I wish my dogs would swim! I don’t have a pool, but still!!!
LOL. it took time for ours to get into it. Now, even Jasper, who’s not a little water baby like Sophie, is starting to love it.