Darlene and Carol Bryant with their baby boy, Dexter
(photo credit: Jeanne Taylor Photography http://www.jtpetpics.com/)
Wigglebutts gathered in droves at Saturday night’s glitzy gathering to raise money for Cocker Spaniel rescue. By wigglebutts, no…I don’t mean jiggly patrons, I’m talkin’ movers and shakers of the furry kind. Wigglebutt Warriors, the fundraising arm of Carol Bryant’s popular dog blog, FidoseofReality.com, got tushes waggin’ and paws-a-clappin’ when they raised close to $30,000 at their Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof event!

The exciting check presentation to help many more dogs in need
(photo credit: Jeanne Taylor Photography http://www.jtpetpics.com/)
Billed as Hollywood glam, Hollywoof style, the event, which took place at the Olde Towne Pet Resort in Sterling, VA., featured celebs of the pet world, including official Hollywoof designer, Anthony Rubio, star spaniel, Dexter with his stunning blond date, Coco Chanel Bella, Bella Mia, crowned the evening’s Best Dressed Female…even the fancy Coco Couture Cat!

Official event pet designer, Anthony Rubio with Bogie & Kimba
(photo credit: Jeanne Taylor Photography http://www.jtpetpics.com/)
The recipient of the funds raised at Hollywoof will go to Oldies But Goodies Cocker Spaniel Rescue (OBG), an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) animal rescue organization, based in the Washington, DC metro area, and dedicated to the prevention of cruelty to animals.

Bella Mia, who scampered off with the Best Dressed Dog award
(photo credit: Jeanne Taylor Photography http://www.jtpetpics.com/)
A gala just wouldn’t be as much fun without a good-hearted competition. Eight awards were presented to standouts of the evening, hosted by Robbin and Joseph Everett of TPPC.tv. The winners are:
Best Dressed Female Dog: Bella Mia; mom is Rose Ann Bolasny
Best Dressed Male Dog: Kismet; mom is Viki Anders
Most Charitable Dog: Lorene Evans’s dogs of DREAM Dachshund Rescue
Any Species Other Than Dog: Coco the Couture Cat; mom is Teri Thorsteinson
Cutest Mutt Award: Chessie; mom is Nancy Metzger
Best Rescue Story Award: Vida; mom is Deb Adler
Wigglebutt Warrior of the Year: Rose; mom is Lisa Coplin Kerner
Adding even more sweetness to an already great night, Bryant announced that Dexter and the Wigglebutt Warriors have launched their own Pup Scouts troop! They’ll being organizing some cool events to fundraise, help dogs in need, and have fun while earning badges.
Congratulations, Carol and all of the Warriors who made the event such a success! We’ll see you next year!
What’s your favorite animal charity? Tell me about it in the Comments below.