The statistics are overwhelming. Makes me want to put my hands over my eyes. Here’s a sobering one: Count out loud to 6. A dog in a shelter was just killed. Every 6 seconds a dog is killed in a US Animal shelter. Here’s one more: Each day, 10,000 humans are born in the U.S., and each day, 70,000 puppies and kittens are born. Another one: In 6 years, one unspayed female dog and her offspring, can reproduce 67,000 dogs. As long as these birth rates exist, there will never be enough homes for all the animals. (Source: Spay USA) So for the 6-8 million dogs and cats that enter shelters each year (Humane Society of the US), a good percentage could be avoidable with stronger spay/neuter programs and better education about why spaying and neutering is so important. There are many, many wonderful organizations advocating for some of these animals. There’s one I want to highlight today in Shelter Stars because the stories behind some of the dogs who’ve crossed their path touched me very deeply and I want to share them with you, and bring any attention I can to help their cause. Hope for Paws are like guerrilla advocates for pets. I say guerrilla in the best way, because they go all out. Nothing stops them from helping these helpless animals.
The Organization
Hope for Paws was founded in Los Angeles 8 years ago by Eldad and Audrey Hagar. They’d been fostering animals in their home and wanted to create an organization that would help animals in the U.S. who suffer and die each year due to negligence and/or abuse. Through their work and Facebook page, the Hagar’s also set up a broad network of rescuers from around the world. To watch Eldad in the process of a rescue operation, he possesses a special kind of energy, is the best way I can describe it. The dogs know he loves them. They know he means them no harm and is there to help. It is astounding to watch him and the work he and Audrey do. They are the angels of abandoned and abused animals. And it’s through the generosity of strangers that allow them to continue to do this much-needed work. Please donate if you can.
The Stories
I’ve chosen just three. There are probably hundreds. These are the ones you might have heard about or seen. They are dumbfounding in the severity of these dogs’ conditions when found. How theywere left like this, to fend for themselves, blows one’s mind.
Fiona was found through a call to Hope for Paws from Mary Chatman, a friend of the organization . Fiona was crouched in a corner next to a dumpster in a graffitied parking lot in South L.A., filthy, matted and completely blind. That brought out the first of my Kleenexes. As Eldad let her sniff his hand and pet her head, she urinated out of fear and sat in it, frozen. They picked her up, wrapped her in a blanket and took her home. On the way, they decided to call her Fiona. They shaved her mats and discovered the worst flea infestation they’d ever seen. They bathed her and received their first kiss. A few days later, they took her to see Dr. Michael Chang, a veterinary surgical ophthalmologist. When they picked her up the next day, she wagged her little tail. For the first time in a long time, Fiona could see. To watch her in the video hopping around playing, looking like a spry and very happy puppy, then adoringly nuzzling up to Audrey, well, that

Fiona, now
brought out more Kleenex. A few weeks later, Fiona was adopted by Michele and Chris Gentry, bless their souls. She’s become quite the little superstar, with her rescue and rehabilitation video having received over 2.5 million views. In 2012 at their awards reception, the ASPCA named Fiona Dog of the Year. She has inspired everyone who’s come in contact with her or seen her video, moving some to also adopt special needs dogs and give them a second chance like her. A wonderful, happy ending.
Hope for Paws was alerted that a sick dog was living on a trash heap in downtown L.A. When Eldad found Miley, she could barely walk. She was

Miley, when found
photo courtesy of
Eldad Hagar
diagnosed with extreme mange, parasites, bacterial infections and malnutrition. She required medicated baths, treatment for her ailments and lots of rest to allow her body to heal. And, of course, patience and love, something Eldad and Audrey seem to have for these animals in unlimited quantity. On Day 3, Eldad was rewarded with a light kiss on the face. After a couple of weeks, Miley was well enough to be introduced to Frankie, a little black Chihuahua rescued from a drainpipe under a highway, where he was living. Frankie was very scared and shy, but he and Miley soon became best friends. Today, Miley is miraculously recovered, plays in the park with other dogs and is currently being fostered by another wonderful organization in L.A., called The Fuzzy Pet Foundation ( Now that she is strong enough, she is scheduled to be spayed and will, then, be ready for her forever home. Due to the unbelievable outpouring of interest in adopting Miley (her rescue video received over 13 million views), they are no longer accepting applications, so if Miley hasn’t found her forever home just yet, it seems imminent that she will.

Miley, now
photo courtesy of
Eldad Hagar
* Frankie recently found his forever home, adopted by a loving family in Los Angeles, with three rescued Chihuahuas and an Australian Cattledog as new siblings.
Holly especially grabbed and held onto my heart because, with a bit darker hair color minus white markings, she and Sophie could be siblings. She looks so much like a Portuguese Podengo. Eldad was alerted about an abandoned dog and found Holly cowering in the corner of a doorway of a building. She was petrified and bewildered. She growled out of extreme fear, when he tried to come near her, and how he got his signature Lucky Leash around her neck is a remarkable thing to watch. It took 20 minutes and an attempt to bite Eldad, but he finally got her, growling and struggling onto his lap. Getting the dog, when appropriate, onto his lap seems to be a key to crossing some line of trust, in a good way. I’ve seen Eldad refer to this a few times in the rescue videos. Holly immediately started to calm down as Eldad stroked her head, neck and face. You could see the relief on her face at being found by someone kind. It’s like she knew it was going to be ok. That prompted another batch of Kleenex.
Cleaned up, properly cared for, fed and loved, Holly’s transformation was amazing. She went from terrified to happy little pup, accepting treats and even wearing an adorable little feminine t-shirt and a beaded necklace with a dangling heart. Hope for Paws newest star was filmed prancing around with her new BFF, Wally. I got up this morning to an email from Cheryl Cook, who alerted Eldad about Holly and fostered Holly and Wally in her home. I am so happy to find they have been adopted together! I am awaiting pics of them with their new mom and will add here once I have.
You can see Fiona’s rescue video here.
You can see Miley’s rescue video here.
You can see Holly’s rescue video here.

Holly & Wally
photo courtesy of
Eldad Hagar
You can follow Hope for Paws on FB and Twitter.
Please donate, if you can. Every bit adds up and helps Eldad and Audrey continue to do the amazing work they do.
Until next time…