Sophie in her backyard
I am over-the-top nutsy, crazy about little Sophie. She is such a light in my life and I’m so grateful for her being in my life. I know many of you feel that way about your dogs, too, so I know you’ll relate when I tell you this story. This isn’t going to be one of my light, fashion fare posts. Stopping pet theft is a serious subject. But because we are so in love with our animal best friends, I want to share with you ways to keep them safe.
I belong to a pet industry group of fantastic women, and its founder told us recently about how her dog wandered off and got lost on an outing in the woods. She was frantic, as we all would’ve been, and they searched and searched. Luckily, a good Samaritan found the dog a short time later, and realized she must’ve come from a nearby house. She was returned home, none the worse for wear, and the story ended really well. But oftentimes, that’s not the case. We know there are some really bad people out there, some of whom actually stalk vulnerable dogs to steal. Statistics tell us up to 2 millions pets are stolen each year and that 1 in 3 pets will go missing at some point in their lives. What we may not realize is that less than 20% of dogs and 2% of cats are ever returned home. Where do these dogs end up? In unimaginable places, from research laboratories to puppy mills, from dog fighting rings as bait dogs to ritual sacrifices for satanic cults. Very scary stuff.
The good news is there are things we can do to stop pet theft and protect our babies. I’m excited to tell you that Bark and Swagger has partnered with PetHub, the world’s fastest way to get lost and found animals home again, to bring you a great list of these tips.
To tell you a little bit about PetHub, they are basically a company of tech geeks who love helping animals. Founder, Tom Arnold, left Microsoft to figure out a way, using the most advanced technology, to better the statistics of reuniting lost pets with their owners. They came up with a truly revolutionary pet ID tag. They’ve really upped the game, too, because at the end of 2012, an analysis of hundreds of dogs and cats recovered through the PetHub lost pet recovery system showed that a whopping 97% made it home in less than 24 hours, 25% in under an hour! That is a great example of really making a difference!
What Does A PetHub ID Tag Do:
- the first to utilize a QR (Quick Response) code on a pet ID tag that links to a unique, easy to update online profile of your pet
- the first GPS locator system for lost pets. When the QR code is scanned by a smartphone, the location of your pet is pinpointed
- a 24/7 Found Pet Hotline, a completely free service
- the newest development – the NFC Chip, the same technology as the microchip will be embedded into your pet’s ID tag
I really encourage you to go to their website, www.pethub.com, read about who they are and what they do, and strongly consider adding your pet(s) to their registry and buying one of their ID tags.
Below, Bark and Swagger and PetHub have presented our Pet Prevention Tips in a colorful info graphic, easy to print out and keep handy. Hope you’ll find it useful. I hadn’t thought of some of these, so maybe you’ll see some you haven’t thought of, either.
What are your stories about close calls or have you had an experience with pet theft? I know it’s a very difficult subject but if you do want to share, will be here for you. There are some great resources now to help. PetHub is one. Do you have other tips to share about keeping our dogs safe? Please reach out and tell me about it.
Until next time…
Bark and Swagger is a proud affiliate of PetHub, so when you purchase from them via my site, I get a small referral commission, which goes towards maintaining this site. Entrepreneurs helping each other!