Let’s Take Action This Puppy Mill Action Week!

Albie & Ani
Harley gave them a face. He narrowly escaped death to tell his story and inspire hope and action in others. I’m talking @Harleypuppymilldog, the world famous Chihuahua puppy mill survivor and son to the wonderful Rudi and Dan Taylor. Harley passed over the Rainbow Bridge last year, but not before helping to save over 1,000 mill dogs and educate millions of people around the globe. His legacy lives on.

With Harley on National Puppy Mill Awareness Day 2015
Millions. Over 2 million puppies are bred in mills each year in an estimated 10,000 puppy mills around the country. Some are licensed breeders; others not. But, if you’re termed a puppy mill, there’s too much breeding going on, especially when over 1.2 million dogs are euthanized in shelters each year.
Do you have a puppy mill dog? If you do, you know that some scars take a very long time to heal, if ever. Albie, our 8 year old Chihuahua, spent 7 years living in a puppy mill. He was probably born there. I don’t know what his days were like. I only know he was a breeder dog, made to procreate over and over again. I also know he must’ve been hit, shoved around, mishandled probably by a man or men, because he is especially afraid of them and still, after a year and a half of living with us, even though Albie loves his dad, he still won’t let my husband pick him up or put on his harness. Not yet. He’s made huge strides, thus far.
Albie is my heart dog and I am his person. I had no idea we would become Chihuahua people; never were. Never thought too much about them. But meeting Al and his daughter, Ani at Abandoned Pet Rescue, our local no kill shelter, walking them, having those life affirming moments with them where they experience pure joy in the simplest things they were denied…all this led to us become Chihuahua fosters and then foster failures.
Now, when I see how happy Albie and Ani are, what pleasure they get from rubbing their little faces in the grass or laying in the sunshine or getting a cuddle from their mom, my heart swells. We couldn’t imagine our lives without them.
So, what can we do to help more puppy mill dogs living miserable lives? This is Puppy Mill Action Week, so let’s take action!
There are three wonderful organizations I chose to highlight, who are drawing more attention to, educating and rescuing mill dogs. Choose one or more and donate, promote, share the work they are doing or find your own. For social media, use the tags #stoppuppymills and #notaproduct.
Harley set up his own organization before he passed, which is doing amazing work, carried on by his mom and dad. It’s called Harley’s Dream. Learn more about them.
The National Mill Dog Rescue has worked tirelessly for years rescuing mill dogs and educating us about them and the horrible mill system they live within. Social media stories the org share on their site about humans rescued by them and the dogs they’ve rescued are beautiful ones. I encourage you to check them out. Learn more about them.
The Puppy Mill Project is having its Mothers in the Mills annual fundraiser May 13 in Chicago. Find out more about them.
Visit The Humane Society’s Don’t Buy Into Puppy Mills site for more info and stories of rescues and survivors.
What can you do this Puppy Mill Action Week? Take action!
If you liked this story, you may also like Lily’s Story or Meeting Harley’s Sibling Family.
Legal CBD extracts help many dogs with seizures!
Yes, it’s incredible stuff. We are currently giving it to one of the dogs we pulled from the kill shelter here, a hippo Pitbull named Gus who has mast cell tumors. CBD oil is also supposed to slow the growth of them. Amazing.
Hi Jody!
Thank you so much for highlighting this all too important topic! Harley was a good friend and a true inspiration. My Grammy’s little girl Dixie Mae is a puppy mill survivor. She was forced to be a mill Momma repeatedly for about 4 years, then because she had lots of grand mal seizures, they (don’t get upset if you can) they shot her and left her for dead. Luckily someone found her (she apparently crawled away from the pile they left her in), saved her, got her patched up by a vet and into a rescue. She’s with us now, living the good life. She still has the bullet in her chest/back area because it’s too dangerous to try and remove due to it’s location. She is super terrified of thunderstorms, ocean waves and airplane sounds but we help her through. She’s on a great seizure medication schedule along with me, and barely has them anymore.
And Mommy really understands the surprise Chihuahua adoration, haha! My little sister Jellie, who was abandoned twice in one month last June/July, is now my forever sister and Mommy’s forever littler love! Jellie is an adorable 7lb black & white Chi with an amazingly loving heart. She was abused too unfortunately, but Mommy has worked hard to help her overcome fear of going to the bathroom, fear of walking through open doors, and others that just make you wonder about people. I love Jellie so much! We are inseparable as sisters.
Take care and thank you again for such a fantastic article!
Your friend,
Hi Pixel! Thanks so much for sharing this. You and your beautiful siblings are very blessed to have such a loving, wonderful mom! Our hearts break hearing these stories about the suffering of defenseless beings who only want to love us. What Dixie Mae and Jellie go through makes me cry. So happy your mom gave them a safe haven where they can live out their lives knowing love and peace. Thank you, Pixel’s mom!! We heart you!
Hi! My name is Princess Ava Bisou (Bisou is French for “kiss”) and I am a puppy mill survivor. You may find it interesting to know that Harley was my foster brother! He, Dan & Rudi were my foster family when Harley & Dan tescome ftom that horrible puppy mill in Missouri! Am on Facebook, Twitter and now Instagram. Princess Ava Bisou. I am very excited about co-hosting this upcoming Mither’s Day event with several other puppy mill survivors. Please take a look! https://www.facebook.com/events/293401094431241/
Hi Princess Ava! So nice to meet you! So glad you’re a survivor; so many were not as lucky as you and Harley. Interesting you were foster siblings; love Rudi and Dan and sure I’d love you, too! Thanks for being a Bark & Swagger follower and sharing with us! Will definitely take a look at the event you’re co-hosting. Thanks!