Kelly Osbourne’s Dog Story on The Celebrity Spot: Bark and Swagger

A fashion cop, a fierce individualist and a boundless animal lover, Kelly Osbourne is one interesting person. Her reinvention from on-the-fringe, overweight, drug-addicted rock star progeny to the unexpected glamorous tv presenter and fashion icon has been impressive and joyous. I love her outspoken and insightful take on what’s hot and what’s not, as a regular co-host and panelist on E’s Fashion Police, even if I don’t always agree. And, her presence on the Oscar‘s red carpet with Ross Mathews (remember the Tonight show’s Ross the Intern?), means a razor sharp fashion sensibility will be lent to an event so focused on it.
So, I’m a Kelly fan. Even more so, because of how devoted Kelly and her family are to animals – fostering the unwanted from kill shelters and having a big, beautiful animal family of their own. Remember that insanely popular reality show, The Osbournes, chronicling life in Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne’s wacky house? It aired from 2002 to 2005. Remember how many doggies were running around the home and how devoted the entire family were to them? I do!
I am excited that I will be a guest next week on the fabulous radio host and author, Arden Moore’s show, Oh Behave! on Pet Life Radio, and Arden will be interviewing Kelly on that show, too. We’ll be talking pet fashion. Kelly was recently named a Style Ambassador for Petsmart and will be giving tips on current trends in pet fashion available at the national chain. So, I thought it was a great time to highlight Kelly Osbourne’s dog story on The Celebrity Spot.
Kelly has always included her dogs in her red carpet life. There are many pictures of her with her adorable, fluffball black Pomeranian, Sid…on tv interviews, on carpets, on photo shoots and out and about. And her current pup, Willy, a cutie pie English Bulldog, just recently saved her life. Kelly posted a pic on Instagram with this message: “#MyDogJustSavedMyLife we just went for a walk and I fell because Willy pulled me back from getting hit by a car!!!! Then he jumped on top of me to protect me! #WhatAHero!” Dogs will do that kind of thing. They fiercely protect us.
Kelly is basking in her love of Willy, Sid and Story, but she’s also experienced deep sadness over the loss of her pets. In 2010, she came home to L.A. from a couple of days in Las Vegas for a friend’s birthday party, to find her 14 week old Pom puppy, Woody, dead. The next year, just a couple of months after she rescued her, Osbourne’s tiny Pom, Noodle, nicknamed “Noody Bear,” had to be put to sleep due to a congenital brain defect that resulted in swelling. The infamous Sid is still here, thank goodness. In the spring of 2012, Kelly rescued a little girl Pom to keep Sid company. Her name is Story, and Kelly pulled her out of a situation where she was living in a cage for a year. Sid was very excited to meet his new girl, who had to wear furry booties so she wouldn’t chew on her feet, due to a skin allergy.
Kelly is also very philanthropic, donating to The Onyx & Breezy Foundation, named after the founders’ two Labrador Retrievers, that raise funds for spay and neuter programs, to rescue dogs from kill shelters, for cancer research, for food, medicine and supplies, and many other things.
Kelly is currently recovering from splitting with her fiance, vegan chef Matthew Mosshart, who she met in the summer of 2011 at the wedding of Kate Moss and Jamie Hince (Mosshart’s sister’s bandmate). After two engagements, she has said she’ll remain single for a while and enjoy her life. Good for her. It can’t be easy dating in the limelight!
Osbourne recently posted a pic of her new ‘do on Instagram, sharp-cut bangs and a partially shaved style that I think looks pretty fierce. In addition to being a fashion trendsetter, Kelly has a new clothing line that will feature designs to fit sizes 0 to 28, focusing on slimming waist panels and other form-shaping aspects. The name of the collection is still under wraps, but will debut next fall.
Hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about animal lover, Kelly Osbourne, with me. Overcoming adversity and growing up in public is like the coming-of-age Olympics, and I think Kelly Osbourne is going for gold.
What do you think about Kelly? Fan or Feh? Tell me in the Comments below.