SuperZoo’s Dog Grooming Competition for Shelter Dogs: The Rescue Rodeo!
One of the events I wanted to see at SuperZoo 2016 was the Rescue Rodeo Grooming Competition. It’s just for shelter dogs and Wahl grooming products and Ryan’s Pet Supplies sponsored. I didn’t make it, but Carly Boatwright, one of the PR team, was kind enough to send me pictures and information on the winners.
Dog Grooming Competition Helps More Shelter Dogs Get Adopted Than Ever!
Grooming is a big part of SuperZoo, with top groomers from around the world flocking to Las Vegas to compete against their peers. The Rescue Rodeo is all about helping shelter dogs get adopted by making them look gorgeous! Here are the shelter dogs and their groomers who entered.

Photo courtesy of SuperZoo
And, the talented groomers did just that. Carly shared that this year’s SuperZoo had one of the highest numbers of adoptions ever from this event! Woo hoo!
The winner of the Rescue Rodeo came all the way from Japan. Ide Kyoko, of Tokyo, groomed a beautiful little Schnauzer mix named Seally, available for adoption from Adopt-A-Rescue, and the baby came out looking awesome! Here’s the winning team. Aren’t they both adorable?

Photo courtesy of SuperZoo
The Best In Show honors was secured by Victor Rosado from Puerto Rico, who groomed a stunning Cocker Spaniel. That competition was sponsored by Grooming Business magazine. Here they are:

Photo courtesy of SuperZoo
Extreme grooming is still making a statement, with the dog providing the canvas for the groomer to create living art. And, while I wouldn’t have my dogs groomed this way, I can appreciate the artistry behind it. Here’s this year’s first place winner of the Creative Open competition, Tennessee’s Cindy Oliver. This dog (I think he or she is a Standard Poodle, but hard to tell), represents a jungle book of animals in the wild.

Photo courtesy of SuperZoo
I’ll tell you, I could use some grooming tips from these winners, what about you? I muddle through, grooming Sophie and Jasper, with my trusty comb/scissor combo, perfect for scruffy terriers (thank goodness we have two of those, as you don’t need to be a genius to use this scissor!). 🙂 So, I really respect the talent and patience great groomers possess.
And, I love that shelter dogs had a new leash on life with a professional grooming. Hopefully, they all got adopted. Bravo, Wahl and Ryan’s Pet Supplies, and congratulations to all of the winners!
Do you groom your dog? What’s your biggest challenge?